Constitution of the
Workers’ International Industrial Union
The working class and the employing class have nothing in common. There can be no peace so long as hunger and want are found among millions of working people and the few, who make up the employing class, have all the good things of life.
Between these two classes a struggle must go on until the workers of the world organize as a class, coming together in the political arena, under the banner of a distinct revolutionary political organization of, by and for the working class, to abolish classes and class antagonisms, and in the economic arena, under the banner of One Great Industrial Union Movement, to take possession of and directly control all means of production and distribution, and to run them for the benefit of all wealth producers, abolish the wages system, and live in harmony with the earth.
The rapid gathering of wealth and the centering of the management of industries into fewer and fewer hands makes the labor and trade unions unable to cope with the ever-growing power of the employing class. These unions foster a state of things which allows one set of workers to be pitted against another set of workers in the same industry, thereby helping defeat one another in wage wars. Moreover, these unions aid the employing class to mislead the workers into the belief that the working class has interests in common with their employers.
These conditions must be changed, the interests of the working class upheld, and while the capitalist rule still prevails, all possible relief for the workers must be secured. That can only be done by an organization aiming steadily at the complete overthrow of the capitalist system, and formed in such a way that all its members in any one industry or in all industries, if necessary, cease work whenever a strike or lockout is on in any department thereof, thus making an injury to one an injury to all.
Instead of the conservative motto, “A fair day’s wage for a fair day’s work,” we must inscribe on our banner the revolutionary watchword, “Abolition of the wage system.”
It is the historic mission of the working class to do away with capitalism. The army of production must be organized, not only for everyday struggle with capitalists, but also to carry on production when capitalism shall have been overthrown. By organizing industrially we are forming the structure of the new society within the shell of the old. Therefore, we unite under the following constitution:
Article I: Organization
1. This organization shall be known as the Workers’ International Industrial Union, hereinafter referred to as the WIIU or the Union.
2. The Workers’ International Industrial Union shall be composed of only workers, those who have nothing but their labor-power to sell and must do so to survive, brought together in a single economic organization composed of Industrial Departments, Industrial Unions, Local Industrial Unions, Workplace Units, Workplace Committees, Local Organizing Committees, Workers’ Assemblies, Regional Industrial Councils, Local Industrial Councils and individual members.
(a) Individual members shall be those workers who, in isolated positions, desire to attach themselves to the Workers’ International Industrial Union until such time as a body of this organization, to which they are eligible, shall be organized in their locality.
(b) Workers’ Assemblies shall be composed of workers in whose respective industries in a given locality there does not exist during their membership a Local Industrial Union.
(c) Local Industrial Unions shall be composed of a majority the workers in a given industry at a given location, bound together in Workplace Units or as the particular requirements of said industry may render necessary.
(d) An Industrial Union shall be comprised of the Local Industrial Unions of the various locations in a given industry.
(e) An Industrial Department shall be made up of Industrial Unions of closely kindred industries appropriate for representation in the departmental administration, and assigned there to by the Central Executive Council of the Workers’ International Industrial Union.
(f) Workplace Committees shall be composed of workers in a given industry at a given location where the workers have achieved or seek to achieve direct workers’ control of production and/or distribution, existing alongside a Local Industrial Union and Workplace Units, or as the particular requirements of said industry may render necessary.
(g) Local Organizing Committees may be organized for the purpose of initiating an organizing campaign in a given industry in a given location for the purpose of organizing a Local Industrial Union, or in a designated geographic area for the purposes of establishing a Workers’ Assembly.
(h) Regional and Local Industrial Councils may be organized for the purpose of establishing general solidarity in a given area, and shall be composed of delegates from not less than five Local Industrial Unions, Workplace Committees, Organizing Committees or Workers’ Assemblies, and shall maintain communications between said area and Central Headquarters.
3. Industrial Departments shall consist of not less than ten local unions. The Industrial Departments shall be sub-divided into Industrial Unions of closely kindred industries in the appropriate organizations for representation in the departmental administration. The sub-divisions shall have complete industrial autonomy in their respective internal affairs, provided the Central Executive Council shall have power to control these Industrial Unions in matters concerning the interests of the general welfare.
4. The departments shall be designated as follows:
(a) Department of Agriculture and Fisheries
(b) Department of Building and Construction
(c) Department of General Manufacturing and Production
(d) Department of Mining, Minerals, Metals and Machinery
(e) Department of Public Services
(f) Department of Transportation and Distribution
5. The financial and industrial affairs of each Industrial Department shall be conducted by an Executive Council of not less than three (5) nor more than twenty-one (21), selected and elected by the general membership of said Industrial Department, provided that the Executive Council and general membership of the said Industrial Department shall be at all times subordinate to the Central Executive Council of the Workers’ International Industrial Union, subject to appeal, and provided the expenses of such referendum shall be borne by the Industrial Departments, or Industrial Union, or Local Industrial Unions, involved.
Article II: Officers and Central Executive Council
1. The officers of the WIIU shall be a Secretary-Treasurer, an Assistant Secretary, an Organizer, an Editor and a Central Executive Council, composed of one member of each Industrial Department.
2. The Secretary-Treasurer, Assistant Secretary, Organizer and Editor shall be nominated and elected from the floor of the Convention.
3. (a) The duties of the Secretary-Treasurer shall be to take charge of all books, papers and effects of the office. S/he shall be nominated and elected as provided for in Article II, Section 2, and shall hold office until his/her successor is duly elected, qualified and installed, except in case s/he shall be removed from office, when his/her place shall be filled temporarily by the Central Executive Council. S/he shall furnish a copy of all proceedings to each affiliated Local Industrial Union regardless of their affiliation, if any, with any of the Departments of the WIIU.
(b) S/he shall conduct the correspondence pertaining to his/her office; s/he shall be the custodian of the Seal of the Organization and shall attach the same to all official documents over his/her official signature; s/he shall provide such stationery and office supplies as are necessary for the conducting of affairs of the Organization; s/he shall act as Secretary at all meetings of the Central Executive Council and all conventions, and furnish the Committee on Credentials at each Convention a statement of the financial standing of each Industrial Department, Industrial Union, Local Industrial Union, Regional and Local Industrial Council, Workplace Committee, Workers’ Assembly and Local Organizing Committee.
(c) S/he shall have a voice, but no vote, in the governing bodies of the organization.
(d) The Secretary-Treasurer shall close his/her accounts for the fiscal year on the last day of June for each year. S/he shall make a monthly financial report to the Central Executive Council and a quarterly financial report to the general membership, through the Central Executive Council, and s/he shall make a complete itemized report of the financial and other affairs of his/her office to each Convention.
(e) S/he shall prepare and sign all charters issued by the Central Executive Council. S/he shall receive all moneys for charters, dues, assessments and supplies from Industrial Departments, Industrial Unions, Industrial Councils, Local Unions and Members-at-Large; s/he shall receipt for same and care for and deposit all moneys as instructed to do by the Central Executive Council in some solvent bank, or banks, which shall be drawn out only to pay indebtedness arising out of the due conducting of the business of the organization, and then, only after the bill shall have been first duly presented by the creditor when, in payment thereof, a check shall be drawn and signed by him.
(f) For the honest and faithful discharge of his/her duties s/he shall give a bond in such sum, or sums, as may be fixed by the Convention or Central Executive Council, the bond so given to be approved by the Central Executive Council and kept in their custody.
(g) S/he shall devote his/her entire time to the affairs of the Organization and shall at all times be under the supervision of the Central Executive Council, and shall receive for his/her services compensation as determined by the Convention.
(h) S/he shall, with the approval of the Central Executive Council, employ such assistance as is necessary to conduct the affairs of his/her office. Remuneration for such employees shall be fixed by the Central Executive Council and paid as other bills and indebtedness, as hereinbefore provided for; s/he shall convene the Central Executive Council as hereinafter provided.
4. (a) It shall be the duty of the Assistant Secretary to at all times assist the Secretary-Treasurer in the discharge of his/her duties as above outlined.
(b) The Organizer shall supervise the work of organizers in the field and the Organizing Department, shall have a voice but no vote, in the governing bodies of the organization, and for his/her services s/he shall receive a compensation as determined by the Convention.
5. It shall be the duty of the Editor to edit the Official Organ, under the supervision of the Central Executive Council. S/he shall have a voice, but no vote in the governing bodies of the organization.
6. The Central Executive Council shall be composed of one member from each Industrial Department, as provided for in Article II, Section 1, and shall be elected by their respective Industrial Departments, as same are organized.
7. The Central Executive Council shall have general supervision of the entire affairs of the organization between conventions, and watch vigilantly over the interests throughout its jurisdiction. They shall be assisted by the officers and members of all organizations subordinate to the WIIU.
8. They shall appoint such organizers as the condition of the organization may justify. All organizers shall work under the instruction of the Organizer at all times. All organizers, while in the employ of the Union, shall report to the Organizer in writing, on blanks provided for that purpose, at least once each week. They shall receive as compensation for their services and legitimate expenses as set by the Convention. All Organizers must be members-at-large during the term of their employment.
9. The decisions of the Central Executive Council on all matters pertaining to the WIIU or any subordinate part thereof shall be binding, subject to an appeal to the next Convention, or to the entire membership of the Union, provided that, in case of a referendum vote of the membership is demanded by any subordinate, or sub-department, part of the Union, the expense of submitting the matter to the referendum shall be borne by the organization taking the appeal, except wherein the decision of the Central Executive Council shall be reversed by a vote of the membership; then the expense shall be borne by the Central Administration.
10. The Central Executive Council shall have full power to issue charters to Industrial Departments, Industrial Unions, Local Industrial Unions, Regional and Local Industrial Councils, Local Organizing Committees, Workplace Committees and Workers’ Assemblies, as provided for in Article I, Section 2. They shall also have power to charter and classify unions, or organizations not herein provided for.
11. (a) In case the members of any subordinate organization of the Workers’ International Industrial Union are resolved in strike, regularly ordered by the Union, or Central Executive Council, or involved in a lock-out, if in the opinion of the Central Executive Council it becomes necessary to call out any other union, or unions, or organizations, they shall have full power to do so.
(b) Any agreement entered into between the members of any Local Industrial Union and their employers, as a final settlement of any difficulty or trouble which may occur between them, shall not contain a time limit exceeding one (1) year, shall not contain a no-strike pledge, and shall not be considered valid or binding until the same shall have been ratified by the membership of the Local Industrial Union and receive the approval of the Central Executive Council.
(c) A Local Industrial Union shall be entitled to assistance from the general Organization in cases of strike only when the general Organization has allowed or endorsed the said strike. The Secretary-Treasurer shall send notice to labor papers to keep workers away from struck places.
12. The Central Executive Council shall, by a two-thirds vote, have power to levy a special assessment when subordinate parts of the organization are involved in strikes and the conditions of the treasury makes such action necessary, but no special assessment shall exceed (money amount) per member in any one month, nor more than six (6) such assessments in any one year, unless the same shall have been approved by a referendum vote of the entire membership.
13. The Central Executive Council shall meet twice within a fiscal year to audit the books of the Secretary-Treasurer and transact such other business as may come before them.
14. The Central Executive Council shall have full power and authority over the official organ and guide its policy.
15. No officer or member of the Central Executive Council of the Workers’ International Industrial Union, or officer or member of an Executive Council of an Industrial Department, Industrial Union, Local Industrial Union, Workplace Unit, Workplace Committee, Local Organizing Committee, Workers’ Assembly, Regional Industrial Council or Local Industrial Council, who receives remuneration or compensation for their services during their term of office, shall not receive remuneration or compensation exceeding the average wage of a member of the Union or worker in their industry.
16. All elected officers and members of the Central Executive Council of the Workers’ International Industrial Union, and all officers and members of an Executive Council of an Industrial Department, Industrial Union, Local Industrial Union, Workplace Unit, Workplace Committee, Local Organizing Committee, Workers’ Assembly, Regional Industrial Council or Local Industrial Council are subject to recall by majority vote the membership of the Convention or appropriate organization at any time upon presentation of charges as described in Article VIII.
Article III: Conventions
1. (a) The Convention of the Workers’ International Industrial Union is the supreme legislative body of the organization, and its actions and enactments are of legal force unless reversed upon a referendum vote by the whole membership touching any and all amendments to the organic law which the Convention may adopt.
(b) As to such actions and amendments, they shall be submitted to a referendum vote by the Central Executive Council within thirty (30) days after the adjournment of the convention. The vote shall close sixty (60) days after the date of the call for the referendum.
2. The Convention of The Workers’ International Industrial Union shall be held during even-numbered years, on the Sunday preceding July 4 of that year, at such place as may be determined by previous Convention.
3. The Central Executive Council shall draw up a list of delegates against whom no contest has been filed at the Central Office. The Secretary-Treasurer shall call the Convention to order and read the aforesaid list. The delegates on the said list shall proceed to form a temporary organization by electing a temporary Chairperson and a committee on credentials.
4. A true and complete stenographic report of the proceedings of all Conventions and of the meetings of the Central Executive Council shall be printed in bound form as soon as possible after the adjournment of the Convention. Minutes of the proceedings of all Conventions and meetings of the Central Executive Council shall be printed and distributed to all organizations of the Union within fourteen (14) days of the close of the meeting.
5. Delegates to the Convention shall be as hereinafter provided for:
(a) Members of the Central Executive Council shall be delegates-at-large with one vote each, but shall not be accredited nor carry the vote of any Union or organization.
(b) Industrial Departments and Industrial Unions shall have two delegates for the first 10,000 of its members, and an additional delegate for each additional 5,000 of its members or major portion thereof.
(c) Local Industrial Unions, Workplace Units and Workplace Committees chartered directly by the WIIU shall have one delegate for 100 members or less, and one additional delegate for each additional 100 or major fraction thereof.
(d) Local Organizing Committees chartered directly by the WIIU and Workers’ Assemblies shall have one delegate for 250 members of less, and one additional delegate for each additional 250 or major fraction thereof.
(e) When two or more delegates are allotted to any Local Industrial Union, Industrial Union or Industrial Department in the Convention, the vote of their respective organization shall be equally divided among its delegation. Delegations may exceed or be less than the number of delegates allotted.
6. No delegates shall cast more than ten votes.
7. On or before April 10 of a Convention year, the Secretary-Treasurer shall send to each local Union and organization credentials in duplicate for the number of delegates they are entitled to in the Convention, based on the national dues for the last six months.
8. The Unions and organizations shall properly fill out the blank credentials received from the Secretary-Treasurer, and return one copy to the Central Office not later than June 1. The other copy shall be presented by the delegate to the committee on credentials when the Convention assembles.
9. Delegates to the Convention must have been members in good standing at least three months prior to the assembling of the Convention; provided their organization has been chartered that length of time.
10. The expenses of delegations attending the Convention shall be borne by their respective organizations.
11. Two or more Local Industrial Unions in the same industry and location, with a total membership of 200 or less, may jointly send a delegate to the Convention, and the vote of said delegate shall be based on the representation heretofore provided for, provided said delegate is a member in good standing of one of the Local Industrial Unions so sending him.
12. No Union or organization shall be admitted to representation unless it has been duly chartered at least three months before the call for the convention and is otherwise in good standing.
Article IV: Label
1. (a) There shall be a Universal Label for the entire organization. It shall be of a crimson or black color and always the same in design. The use of the Universal Label shall never be delegated to employers, but shall be vested entirely in our organization. Except on stickers, circulars and literature proclaiming the merits of the WIIU, and emanating from the Offices of the Workers’ International Industrial Union, the Universal Label shall be printed only as evidence of work done by WIIU members.
(b) When the Label is so printed, it shall be done by the authority of our organization, without the intervention of any employer.
2. Whenever the Universal Label is placed upon a commodity as evidence of work done by WIIU members, it shall be accompanied by an inscription, underneath the Label, giving the designation or designations of their Unions, and the Universal Label shall never be printed as evidence of work performed without this inscription.
Article V: Revenue
1. Charter fees and dues rates for Industrial Departments, Industrial Unions, Local Industrial Unions, Workplace Units, Workplace Committees, Local Organizing Committees, Workers’ Assemblies, Regional Industrial Councils and Local Industrial Councils shall be set by the Convention. Initiation and dues rates for individual members shall be set by the Convention.
2. Industrial Departments and Industrial Unions shall pay as general dues into the treasury of the Workers’ International Industrial Union a rate per month per member; Local and Regional Industrial Councils shall pay a flat rate per month for the organization; Local Industrial Unions and Organizing Committees, Workplace Units and Workers’ Assemblies, shall pay a rate per member per month, minus an amount to be set aside for fund to equalize fare of delegates to the Convention, and such assessments as may be levied as provided for in Article II, Section 13.
3. Individual members may be admitted to membership-at-large in the organization, as provided for in Article I, Section 2, on payment of an initiation fee and monthly dues, together with such assessments as may be levied by the Central Executive Council, all of which shall be paid to the Secretary-Treasurer, provided members-at-large shall remain such so long as they are outside the jurisdiction of a Local Union subordinate to the general organization; but on moving within the jurisdiction of a Local Industrial Union or Organizing Committee, Workplace Committee or Workers’ Assembly of the Workers’ International Industrial Union, or any of its subordinate organizations, they shall transfer their membership from the union-at-large to the appropriate organization with jurisdiction.
4. The initiation fee and regular monthly dues shall both should be made high enough for proper work of Union, together with such assessments as may be levied as provided for in Article II, Section 13, provided no part of the aforementioned initiation fee or dues shall be used as a sick or death benefit, but shall be held in the treasury as a general fund to defray the legitimate expense of the union.
5. Industrial Departments and Unions may charge an initiation fee not exceeding 50 percent of the fee charged by Local Industrial Unions, Organizing Committees or Workplace Committees.
6. All Industrial Departments, Industrial Unions, Industrial Councils and Workers’ Assemblies subordinate to the Workers’ International Industrial Union may collect from the membership of their organization a monthly per capita assessment at the rate of not more than 10 percent of the fee charged by Local Industrial Unions, Organizing Committees or Workplace Committees, provided that no part of the above mentioned moneys shall be used for sick, accident or death fund, but shall be held in the treasury of Industrial Departments for the purpose of paying the legitimate expenses of maintaining the organizations.
Article VI: Membership, Etc.
1. None but actual workers and members of the working class shall be members of the Workers’ International Industrial Union. No manager or supervisor with the power to discipline, hire or fire, no independent producer, artist, craftsman or professional, no armed member of the police or private security forces, no member of the military officer corps, no professional politician of the employing class, and no person who employs others to work for them may become a member of the Workers’ International Industrial Union. .
2. No restriction on the basis of race, nationality, gender, sexuality, sexual identity, age or ability shall be applied at any level by the Workers’ International Industrial Union.
3. Unemployed and disabled workers are entitled to become members of the Workers’ International Industrial Union at a reduced rate of initiation fee and dues. Workers on strike or locked out may become members of the Workers’ International Industrial Union and have their initiation fee and dues deferred or waived for the period they are in battle against the employers.
4. A majority vote cast shall rule in the Workers’ International Industrial Union, except as otherwise provided for in this Constitution.
5. No member of the Workers’ International Industrial Union shall be a paid or appointed officer in another union without the approval of the Central Executive Council.
6. No member of one industrial organization in the Workers’ International Industrial Union can at the same time hold a card in another industrial organization in the WIIU. Members of a Union or organization of the Workers’ International Industrial Union may hold a card in another union outside of the WIIU.
7. No member of an industry which is organized in his/her locality is qualified for admission in a Workers’ Assembly in the same locality, and no member of a Workers’ Assembly can remain a member of the same after his/her industry has been organized in that locality.
8. The Central Executive Council, or not less than ten (10) locals in at least three (3) industries, may initiate a referendum on any subject, the issuance of the referendum to be governed by Article III, Section 1(b).
9. As soon as there are Local Industrial Unions with not less than 5,000 members in any one industry, the Central Executive Council shall immediately proceed to call a Convention of that industry and organize them as an Industrial Union.
10. All unions, departments and individual members must procure supplies, such as membership books, seals, official buttons, labels, badges and dues stamps from the Secretary-Treasurer, all of which shall be of uniform design.
11. There shall be a free interchange of cards between all organizations subordinate to the Workers’ International Industrial Union, and any Local Union, Industrial Union or Industrial Department shall accept, in lieu of initiation fee, the paid up membership card of any chartered Union or organization of the WIIU.
12. All departments and other subordinate organizations of the Workers’ International Industrial Union shall, if available, use official WIIU stamps in the membership book.
13. Dues may be paid in advance up to six (6) months. To be in good standing, a member must not be more than three (3) months in arrears for dues. To remain a member, s/he must not be more than twelve (12) months in arrears.
Article VII: Pledges for Officers, Etc.
1. All officers in the WIIU, when being installed into office, shall be required to sign the following pledge: “Having been entrusted by my brothers and sisters with the position I am about to assume, I do solemnly pledge my word and honor that I will obey the Constitution, rules and regulations of the Workers’ International Industrial Union, and that, keeping always in view its fundamental principles and final aims, I will to the best of my ability perform the task assigned to me. I believe in and understand the two sentences: ‘The Working Class and the Employing Class have Nothing in Common,’ and ‘The Workers Are Entitled to All They Produce’.”
2. Applicants for membership upon being presented to the presiding officer of the Union or organization shall have read to them the Preamble and shall be asked the questions following: (a) Do you agree to abide by the Constitution and regulations of this organization? (b) Will you study its principles and make yourself acquainted with its purposes? The applicant answering affirmatively shall be declared a member of the Workers’ International Industrial Union.
3. No organizer of the Workers’ International Industrial Union, while speaking on behalf of this organization, shall advocate for any political party or political party platform not endorsed by the WIIU.
4. No member of the Workers’ International Industrial Union shall represent the organization before a body of workers without first having been authorized by the Central Executive Council or a subordinate part of the WIIU.
Article VIII: Charges, Trials and Appeals
1. All charges must be preferred in writing, in duplicate form.
2. Charges must specifically state offense, time and place of same, and must be signed by member or members making the charge.
3. The charges shall be read at the meeting of the Union of which the accused is a member, whereupon said body shall set a date for trial, the same to be not less than seven (7) nor more than thirty (30) days from date of meeting at which charges were read.
4. If the accused is present at the meeting, s/he shall be served with a copy of the charges. If absent, the corresponding secretary shall send to his/her last address, by registered mail, a copy of the charges attested by seal of the Union, also notice to appear and answer the charges on date set for trial.
5. Failure of the Grievance or Investigation Committee, if any, to present its report on the trial date shall not interfere with the holding of trial.
6. At the time specified for trial the body shall, after full hearing of the report of the Grievance or Investigation Committee, if any, and of the testimony of both sides, proceed to vote by ballot on the charges preferred.
7. In the event of the charges being sustained by a majority vote of the members present, the accused shall retire, after which the body shall determine by vote the punishment to be imposed on the accused.
8. All decisions for suspension or expulsion must be published in the earliest issue of the Official Organ of the Workers’ International Industrial Union.
9. Any member notified to appear for trial and failing to appear shall be suspended and the case declared against him/her by default.
10. Any member found guilty upon trial shall not be entitled to any benefits or privileges until the terms of the decision rendered shall have been complied with.
11. Appeals shall be taken to the next superior body, i.e., from Unit or Committee to Local, from Local or Assembly to Industrial Council, to Central Executive Council and finally to Convention. In an Industrial Union or Department, the course of appeal is to be as provided by the Constitution of such body. While appeals are pending, the appellant, if suspended or expelled, shall be excluded from all meetings.
12. All appeals must be filed within two (2) weeks after the decision has been rendered. One copy of the appeal to be served on the Secretary of the body that imposed sentences as a notice that appeal has been taken. The body receiving such notice must file its answer within two (2) weeks, or case will be declared against it by default.
Article IX: Official Organ, Other Papers and Literature
1. The Industrial Union shall be the official organ of The Workers’ International Industrial Union. It shall be published on a schedule determined by the Convention and ratified by referendum vote of the general membership.
2. The Communications Department shall be the Literature Agency of the Workers’ International Industrial Union, and same shall publish all literature pertaining to the WIIU, except as hereinafter provided. It shall be conducted under the supervision of the Central Executive Council.
3. No member or any subordinate part of The Workers’ International Industrial Union shall publish, or cause to be published, any paper, or any other kind of literature, in the name of or pertaining to the Workers’ International Industrial Union, except as hereinafter provided or authorized by the Central Executive Council.
4. Each Industrial Department may publish one paper to be the official organ of that department, if authorized by Convention and ratified by referendum vote of General membership. Such paper shall be at all times under the supervision of the Central Executive Council of the Workers’ International Industrial Union.
5. One official paper for each of the different languages spoken by workers may be published, under the supervision of the Central Executive Council.
6. Editors of papers published by Industrial Departments or language divisions shall be elected by the membership thereof, subject to the control of the Central Executive Council of the Workers’ International Industrial Union, and shall be removed by said board, for neglect of duty or malfeasance in office.
7. Strike bulletins may be published by strike committees at a frequency it determines to be most relevant, reporting on the progress of the strike and analysis of the issues surrounding it, calling for funds in support of the strike, and reporting all receipts and expenditures of the strike committee during the strike.
8. The Central Administration, with the consent of the Central Executive Council, may issue a regular bulletin for the purposes of informing the membership, and facilitating discussion among members of proposals and issues. This bulletin would be for members in good standing of the Workers’ International Industrial Union only.
Article X: Political Activity
1. As an organization that seeks to mobilize its members in the political arena for the purposes of fighting the employers, the Workers’ International Industrial Union may make alliances and conclude agreements with workers’ political organizations to facilitate that effort. Any alliances and agreements on a national or international level are made either by the Convention or Central Executive Council, and must be ratified by the membership of the WIIU.
2. Local or regional alliances and agreements with workers’ political organizations are made by local or regional organizations, and are subject to ratification by the membership in the location and agreement of the Central Executive Council or Convention of the Workers’ International Industrial Union.
3. The Central Executive Council may approve ongoing joint activity without endorsement with workers’ political organizations, or issue-specific political organizations that correspond to the aims and principles of the Workers’ International Industrial Union, subject to review and approval by the Convention and, if necessary, ratification by the membership.
4. No Union or organization of the Workers’ International Industrial Union may sign the name of the WIIU to any piece of literature without the consent of the Central Executive Council or Convention. No Union or organization of the Workers’ International Industrial Union may endorse a public political event, one-time or ongoing, without the consent of the Central Executive Council or Convention.
5. The Workers’ International Industrial Union, or any Union or organization thereof, may only endorse working-class candidates for public office whose platform and principles are in accordance with those of the WIIU.
6. The Convention of the Workers’ International Industrial Union may choose to establish a political action committee, if laws require such, for the purposes of endorsing and/or soliciting donations to be used for funding of workers’ candidates for public office. No member of the WIIU will be required or compelled to donate for the purposes of funding such candidates. No money derived from initiation fees, dues or assessments will be used for the purposes of funding such candidates.
7. No member, Union or organization of the Workers’ International Industrial Union shall be compelled to support, campaign or vote for a candidate endorsed by the WIIU, or threatened with disciplinary action if they refuse to do so.
8. Members of the Workers’ International Industrial Union who run as candidates for public office, even if they run as a member of a political organization not endorsed or supported by the WIIU, are expected to conduct themselves at all times in accordance with the principles and aims of the Union.
9. The Central Executive Council may choose to compose a list of workers’ political organizations whose composition, aims and views correspond to those of the WIIU.
10. At no time shall political activity engaged in by members or organizations of the Workers’ International Industrial Union, or the WIIU as a whole, be allowed to detract from the central task of the Union: the organization of the working class in the economic arena. The only exception to this may be times of revolutionary upheaval when the tasks of the Workers’ International Industrial Union would be primarily of a political nature.
Article XI: Amendment, Etc.
1. (a) All proposed amendments to the Constitution and By-Laws shall clearly state the article, section and paragraph to which the amendment applies. New articles and sections shall be so stated. Each clause to be amended shall be on a separate sheet.
(b) All parts of the Constitution conflicting with amendments ratified by referendum vote are hereby declared null and void.
2. Conventions of the Workers’ International Industrial Union may amend the Constitution and By-Laws by majority vote of credentialed delegates.
3. (a) A referendum on any organizational question, including constitutional amendments, may be initiated by the Central Executive Council, Convention, or by a petition of five (5) percent of members in good standing.
(b) All properly submitted referendum items shall be included on a ballot to be issued each year no later than October 15. Notification of all referendum items shall be provided to all members at least thirty (30) days prior to the issuance of the ballot. Notice shall be either through publication in the official organ or bulletin of the Central Administration, together with a mailing to all Unions and organizations, and shall specify the deadline for submitting discussion of the referendum items for publication which shall accompany the ballot.
(c) Ballots shall be sent to all members in good standing and shall be open for voting for not less than thirty (30) days and not more than forty-five (45) days. Ballots shall be sent by mail to members or airmail. The deadline for receipt of ballots at Central Headquarters shall be printed on the ballot, but in no event shall be later than November 30. Ballots shall be counted and the results released no later than midnight, December 1.
(d) The returns of the referendum shall remain in the Central Headquarters in sealed envelopes until the ballot committee meets. The ballot committee shall meet immediately on expiration of time set for return of ballots. The Secretary-Treasurer shall notify the Union or organization initiating the referendum of the date set to count ballots.
(e) The ballot committee to count the votes on the referendum shall be composed as follows: Three members in continuous good standing for one (1) year prior to their election to the committee shall be elected by the Industrial Council in the city in which the Central Headquarters is located. In reporting through the official organ or bulletin of the Central Administration the returns of referendums and elections, the Secretary-Treasurer shall give the names of the ballot committee together with their card numbers and the Union or organization of which they are members.
(f) The Union or organization initiating a referendum shall pay the expenses of its own delegates on the ballot committee, unless the referendum is carried, in which event the expenses shall be borne by the Central Administration.
(g) Referendum returns from any Union or organization of the Workers’ International Industrial Union cannot exceed its paid-up membership for the three (3) months prior to the vote on the referendum in question.
(h) Ballots shall be prepared in such a way as to assure complete secrecy in voting and shall be in duplicate form to allow the member to retain a record of his/her vote. Ballots shall contain no information identifying the ballot with the member who sent it. All information pertaining to the member’s name and standing will be entered onto the voucher envelope. Once the ballot is approved by the ballot committee, it will be secured separately from the member’s identifying information. All ballots must be numbered. Ballots not numbered or from members not in good standing will not be considered valid ballots. Any members whose ballots have been invalidated shall be notified by mail within seven (7) days of the decision by the ballot committee, explaining the reason his/her ballot was invalidated.
(i) All constitutional changes ratified by a general referendum ballot shall take effect January 1, unless otherwise decided by the Convention.
(j) Any part of this Constitution may be suspended or set aside for one (1) year if so approved by a referendum of the Workers’ International Industrial Union, initiated as provided for in Section 2(a) of this Article.
By-Laws for Local Unions
Order of Business
1. Election of presiding officers. (Note: Omit this when officers are elected for term)
2. Roll call of officers.
3. Reading of minutes.
4. Propositions for membership
5. Payment of dues.
6. Admission and obligation of members.
7. Correspondence and bills.
8. Report of Officers.
9. Report of Committees (Special and regular)
10. Report of delegates.
11. Election of officers and committees.
12. Official Journal and Literature.
13. Unfinished business.
14. New business.
15. Lecture or discussion.
16. Reading of receipts and expenses since the last meeting by Secretary.
17. Adjournment.
Article I
1. Local Industrial Unions and Workplace Committees shall be composed of not less than ten (10) members and shall not surrender their charter if seven members in good standing object thereto. Workers’ Assemblies and Local Organizing Committees shall be composed of not less than three (3) members and shall not surrender their charter if two members in good standing object thereto.
2. Local and regional organizations shall meet at least once a month, a majority of members to constitute a quorum for the transaction of business.
Article II
1. No worker shall be excluded from membership on the basis of race, nationality, gender, sexuality, sexual identity, age or ability.
2. Candidates who do not appear within thirty (30) days for initiation after their election to membership shall forfeit their initiation fee.
3. When a question arises as to eligibility of an applicant or member, the C.E.C. shall decide.
Article III
1. The officers of the Local Industrial Union or Workplace Committee shall consist of a Corresponding Secretary, Secretary-Treasurer and Sergeant-At-Arms. Trustees, and other officers and committees, may be established as may be deemed necessary.
2. The officers of the Local Organizing Committee or Workers’ Assembly shall consist of a Corresponding Secretary and Secretary-Treasurer. A Sergeant-At-Arms, Trustees, and other officers and committees, may be established as may be deemed necessary.
2. Officers shall be elected semi-annually, nominations to be made at the first meeting, and election to take place at the last meeting of June and December. New officers shall be installed on the day of election.
3. When an officer is absent from three consecutive meetings without valid excuse, his/her office shall be declared vacant. An election to fill vacancies for the unexpired term would be held at the next regular meeting.
4. The Corresponding Secretary shall at once furnish the Secretary-Treasurer of the WIIU with names and addresses of the new officers, for the purpose of compiling the Official Directory.
Article IV
1. The Corresponding Secretary shall keep a correct record of the proceedings of each meeting, and record of the financial statement at the close of each meeting. S/he shall receive all communications and attend to all correspondence assigned to him. S/he shall issue all warrants on the Treasury, for moneys ordered paid, and shall be the custodian of the official seal. (Locals can at will combine this office with that of the Recording or Financial Secretary).
2. The Secretary-Treasurer shall keep accurate accounts between his/her Local, its members and the Central Headquarters; s/he shall receive all initiation fees, dues, fines, assessments, and all other moneys belonging to the Local, and for all dues and assessments collected by him s/he must place a separate stamp in the member’s book for each months dues or assessment paid, and shall cancel same with a dating stamp, showing day, month and year when payment was made. S/he shall report before the close of the meeting all income since the last meeting and turn same over to the Treasurer, and take receipt thereof. S/he shall keep a complete list of the addresses of all members and note changes when reported. s/he shall at all times have his/her books ready for inspection by the proper officials and shall give a full report monthly to his/her Local, and the Secretary-Treasurer of the WIIU. S/he shall pay all bills ordered by the Local, and submit monthly a report of all receipts and expenditures. S/he shall deposit all moneys above a specified amount in a bank named by the Local.
3. The Sergeant-At-Arms shall have charge of the door and see that none but members enter, except by order of the meeting. S/he shall examine every person’s book, and see that same are correct and paid up, and shall report every member who is delinquent, to the presiding officer.
4. The Trustees shall hold in trust all bonds, securities, and property of the Union, shall keep a correct account of all bank deposits, and sign all orders for withdrawal of such money if ordered by the Local, shall examine all books and accounts of the Secretary-Treasurer once every three months, and report their findings to the Local Union. Local Unions can elect auditing or special committees for the purpose of auditing the books of their officers.
5. All officers must turn over at the end of their terms to their successors or at any time to a committee elected for that purpose all books and property of the Union that they may have in their possession and perform such duties as may be assigned to them. They must furnish bonds through some responsible surety company at the expense of the Local Union.
Article V
1. Members transferring to other locals must pay up all dues and assessments, the Secretary-Treasurer to note the transfer, if granted, in the membership book. When a Local Union to which a member transfers, collects for delinquent dues and assessment, 25 percent of such money shall be retained by the Local making the collection and 75 percent shall be remitted to the Local to which the member formerly belonged.
2. Members leaving the organization, whose dues and assessments are paid, may, upon application, receive withdrawal cards. Same shall not be used in place of transfer cards, and do not confer any rights or privileges, and serve only as a certificate that the person holding such card left his/her Local honorably. A withdrawal card exempts the holds from payment of initiation fee upon application for re-admittance, but s/he shall not be entitled to any benefits until thirty days after s/he has been accepted and has paid at least one month’s dues. Withdrawal cards to be refused during a strike, or when a strike is expected.
3. Resignations must be put in writing stating reasons, but no action shall be taken by the Local until the resigning member has settled all accounts with the organization up to date.
Article VI
1. Locals may decide their own initiation fee, dues and assessments, same to be in conformity with the Constitution of the Workers’ International Industrial Union, and should be enough so the local may function right.
2. Members in arrears for twelve (12) months shall be stricken from the books.
3. Only members in good standing may take part in voting on any subject at a regular or special meeting.
Article VII
1. Members changing their addresses shall at once notify the Local Secretary-Treasurer.
2. Local Unions or organizations changing the time or place of meetings shall immediately advise the Secretary-Treasurer of the WIIU, so that the Official Directory may be correct at all times, and shall be published in the official organ.
Article VIII
1. Locals can make their own By-Laws, subject, however, to inspection of an Industrial Council and approval of the Central Executive Council.
2. All questions of a procedural nature shall be decided by appropriate parliamentary rules adopted by the Workers’ International Industrial Union.
3. Upon a local Union or organization surrendering its charter, voluntarily or by action of Central Administration, the Secretary-Treasurer of the WIIU shall appoint a representative to take charge of the Charter, supplies, property and funds of said Union or organization. Members or officers of the Union or organization refusing to deliver the charter, supplies, property or funds to the authorized representative of the Workers’ International Industrial Union shall be expelled from the organization and prosecuted.
5. May 1 of every year shall be celebrated by the organizations and members of the Workers’ International Industrial Union most suitable for the locality, to express international unity of the working class. March 8 of every year shall be celebrated by the organizations and members of the Workers’ International Industrial Union most suitable for the locality, to express solidarity and unity with women workers.
Industrial Departments of the Workers’ International Industrial Union
Industrial Department A: Agriculture and Fisheries
Industrial Union A1: Agricultural Workers — All workers on farms, ranches, orchards and plantations.
Industrial Union A2: Lumber Workers — All workers in forests. All workers engaged in logging operations, in saw and shingle mills, and in preparing wood for fuel and manufacturing purposes. Bark and sap collection.
Industrial Union A3: Fisheries Workers — All workers in fishing pursuits on oceans, lakes and rivers. Oyster and clam bed keepers. Workers engaged in collecting pearls, corals and sponges. Workers in fish hatcheries.
Industrial Union A4: Floricultural Workers — All workers in nurseries, flower gardens, greenhouses and hothouses. Cultivation of silk. Distribution of floral products.
Industrial Department B: Building and Construction
Industrial Union B1: General Construction Workers — All workers engaged in construction of docks, railroads, highways, streets, bridges, sewers, subways, tunnels, canals, viaducts, irrigation canals and pipelines.
Industrial Union B2: Ship Builders — All workers engaged in building and repairing ships, boats and small harbor craft. All dry-dock workers.
Industrial Union B3: Building Construction Workers — All workers engaged in erection and construction of houses and buildings, and in delivery of materials.
Industrial Department G: General Manufacturing and Production
Industrial Union G1: Textile and Clothing Workers — All workers engaged in producing cloth from natural or synthetic fibers. All workers engaged in manufacturing wearing apparel.
Industrial Union G2: Furniture Workers — All workers in furniture factories. All workers engaged in producing wooden containers.
Industrial Union G3: Pulp and Paper Mill Workers — All workers in pulp and paper mills engaged in making pulp, paper and paper containers.
Industrial Union G4: Printing and Publishing House Workers — All workers engaged in producing printed matter, including newspapers, magazines and books.
Industrial Union G5: Communications and Computer Workers — All workers engaged in telephone, telegraph, radio, television, satellite and computer communication and operation, including programming, networking and broadcasting, and website design and maintenance.
Industrial Union G6: Food and Beverage Workers — All workers except agricultural and fishery workers, engaged in producing and processing food, beverages and tobacco products, including bar, fast food and coffeehouse workers.
Industrial Union G7: Leather Workers — All workers in tanneries and factories producing leather goods, luggage, boots and shoes.
Industrial Union G8: Glass and Pottery Workers — All workers producing glass, chinaware, pottery, tile and bricks.
Industrial Department M: Mining, Minerals, Metals and Machinery
Industrial Union M1: Metal Mine Workers — All workers engaged in mining all metals and minerals. All workers in refineries, smelters, mills and other reduction works. All workers in stone and other quarries.
Industrial Union M2: Coal Mine Workers — All workers engaged in coal mining, and the production of coke and briquettes.
Industrial Union M3: Oil, Gas and Geothermal Workers — All workers engaged in oil, gas and geothermal, fields, refineries and processing facilities. All workers engaged in distribution of the products.
Industrial Union M4: Chemical Workers — All workers engaged in producing drugs, paint, rubber, explosives, medicines, chemicals, plastics, synthetic fibers and other chemically-based products.
Industrial Union M5: Metal and Machinery Workers — All workers in blast furnaces, steel mills, aluminum plants, etc. All workers engaged in the production and repair of agricultural machinery, cars, locomotives, engines, automobiles, bicycles, aircraft and various instruments. Tool makers, jewelry and watchmakers.
Industrial Department P: Public Services
Industrial Union P1: Health Service Workers — All workers employed in and for hospitals, clinics and health restoration services.
Industrial Union P2: Educational Workers — All workers employed in educational institutions.
Industrial Union P3: Recreational Workers — All workers in playgrounds, and places of amusement and recreation. Artists not employed as an independent contracted professional.
Industrial Union P4: Restaurant, Hotel and Building Service Workers — All workers in facilities for public accommodation, excluding bars, fast food restaurants and coffeehouses. All building service workers.
Industrial Union P5: General Office Workers — All workers in engaged in general, legal, public interest and financial offices and institutions that do not directly involve any other industry.
Industrial Union P6: Municipal and Utility Service Workers — All workers engaged in the transmission, supply, and maintenance of gas, electric, water, and sewer services. All workers engaged in the collection and refining of disposable, salvageable and recyclable materials. All workers engaged in the maintenance of public cemeteries, parks, streets and highways.
Industrial Union P7: Household Service Workers — All workers engaged in performing services in the home, including disaster repair and professional cleaning services.
Industrial Union P8: Sex Workers — All workers employed as dancers and models, telephone sex workers, actors and other workers who use sexuality as the primary tool of their trade.
Industrial Department T: Transportation and Distribution
Industrial Union T1: Marine Transport Workers — All workers engaged in marine transportation. All workers on docks and in terminals.
Industrial Union T2: Railroad Workers — All workers engaged in long distance railway freight and passenger transportation and telecommunication. All workers in locomotive, car and repair shops. All workers in and around passenger and freight terminals.
Industrial Union T3: Motor Transport Workers — All workers engaged in hauling freight and passengers by truck, bus, and cab. All workers in and around motor freight sheds and bus passenger stations.
Industrial Union T4: Municipal Transportation Workers — All workers engaged in municipal, short-distance transportation services.
Industrial Union T5: Air Transport Workers — All workers employed in air service and maintenance.
Industrial Union T6: General Warehouse and Distribution Workers — All workers in warehouses and general distribution facilities, wholesale and retail.
A Union designation is composed of the Industrial Department Classification, Industrial Union Classification and number of charter received by the Local Industrial Union. For example, the first Local Industrial Union among railroad workers would be T2001. Workplace Units would use the designation of the Local Industrial Union.
Local Organizing Committees in an industry would be noted with an X at the end of the designation, in place of the last number of a Local Industrial Union (in anticipation of it chartering as a Union in a relatively short period of time). A Local Organizing Committee in the auto industry, for example, would have a designation M562X.
For individual members, the Local Industrial Union Charter No. 999 for each Industrial Union will cover unorganized workers in an industry. A member-at-large in the health service would have the designation P1999. Members organized into Workers’ Assemblies would carry this designation on their membership book.
Workplace Committees will add a W before the Industrial Department classification, and use the Charter number from the Local Industrial Union organized in their industry at their location. A Workplace Committee existing alongside a Local Industrial Union at a newspaper would have the designation WG4125.
Industrial Council designation is composed of the initials “IC” and the number of charter it received, and the name of the location or area covered. An Industrial Council for Detroit would have the designation IC 43 – Detroit.
Membership Numbers
Membership numbers for the Workers’ International Industrial Union will consist of seven characters, assigned or approved by the Central Administration. For those assigned numbers by the Central Administration, they shall be given sequentially, taking care not to duplicate numbers. Approved numbers are special circumstances, and each application for an approved number must be authorized by the Central Executive Council.
For members of the WIIU who also hold or have held a card in the Industrial Workers of the World, and whose number is not already being used, the C.E.C. may authorize transfer of their membership number to use in the WIIU. For those with IWW membership numbers beginning with a letter, they are to be changed to the letter A (if not that already), and shall proceed through the alphabet as needed.
There shall be no Member Nos. 0000001 through 0999999, and no membership numbers in this set shall be assigned or accepted. The first membership number assigned will be 1000001. No member may use a number set assigned to them by the capitalist state or system (e.g., Social Security or driver’s license number).
In all correspondence with members active in organizing or concerned about repercussions by the employers, the membership number may be used in place of the member’s name. Members may choose to use their membership number in place of a by-line in the WIIU press.