Welcome to the Homepage of the WIIU-UK
Building the One Great Union of all workers in the United Kingdom
Here you will find information about Revolutionary Industrial Unionism, Our Program, How to join and also how to get in touch with us.

WIIU-UK Workers' Charter
We all expect that a person should be properly rewarded for the work they do, but that is not the case now. Although we are the key wealth creators, we produce most of the goods and services society needs, we receive such a tiny fraction of the wealth we create that millions live in poverty or are just one missed wage packet away from ruin, while the wealth we create ends up in the hands of a handful of capitalists. Therefore, the W.I.I.U. declares our immediate campaigning priorities will be:
1) Full employment for all with secure working conditions.
We demand workers should have the right to a job or decent state benefits. We demand the introduction of a 30-hour week without loss of pay.
2) A national minimum wage of at least two-thirds of the average wage.
We demand an immediate increase in the national minimum wage to £8.00 an hour as a step toward this goal.
3) The reversal of cuts in the NHS and an increase in spending in real terms.
The National Health Service should be fully free to all at the point of use, so we demand an end to the postcode lottery and the "quality-adjusted life-year". We demand an end to the Private Finance Initiative.
4) A decent full state pension for all, without means testing and fully linked to average earnings.
5) A fully funded and fully comprehensive education system under local democratic control.
We demand big business should be kept out of our schools and colleges. We demand free access for all to further and higher education, with a living grant and an end to student loans and tuition fees.
6) The repeal of all anti-union laws.
We demand full employment rights for all workers including part-timers, temporary workers, casual and migrant workers, from day one of employment, including the right to strike, the right to union representation and the right to collective bargaining.
7) That migrant workers be allowed to vote in local UK elections.
It is the belief of the W.I.I.U. that the working people must claim these rights for themselves by organizing on the shop floor and throughout their industries into One Great Union. By doing so they will come to realize that they possess the immense potential power to transform society and create a world where production for the well-being of humanity will replace production for profit .
The WIIU United Kingdom may be contacted by e-mail at: